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Kaone Phuthego(Chief Editor)
Thank you for using Letlhakeng Community webpage
Kaone Phuthego(Chief Editor)
Team of researchers from University Of Botswana visited Letlhakeng village to collect data on the welfare of children from 8 months to 2 and half years. The welfare was based on the children’s language/ communication. Parents were interviewed and they were given P50.00 after an interview as a thanks giving for their time they took answering the questions.
Through the help of team, the visit was a success, the UB team met their targets.
at Letlhakeng Police Station
UB team under Faculty of Humanities and team
By Michael Matebele
A renowned disk jokie, Ontshepile Gaoforwe also known as DJ Mximbi in Kgalagadi music circles has taken a stand to end violence against women & girls through organising and introducing 5-aside ladies tournament that will be held in Kang on the 27 of October. In an interview, Gaoforwe, 27, who serves as a manager for DJ Mximbi Sounds and also a project coordinator for this initiative said as one of the concerned citizen he was highly affected and traumatized by recent rife cases of killings and violence against women and girls across Botswana. Therefore he found it imperative to use sports such as football which is popular amongst males, to strengthen women’s rights in addressing patriarchal, social and cultural gaps that prevents men to stand up and support women’s rights through ending violence against women and girls. Gaoforwe explained that the tournament, which will take place on Saturday at Motaung Young Fighters Football grounds, is aimed at raising awareness to the male community in Botswana towards attracting men and boys as well as lobby for their commitment to being involved and being responsible men. He also added that the tournament aims to protect women’s rights through ending violence in the homes and communities they reside within. The theme for this tournament is #He ema kgathanong le kgokgontsho ya bomme; translated "We stand against women violence". Four ladies teams will be selected to play in this social cohesion 5-aside tournament. The first game will kick-start at 7am to 8am followed by the second game which will start at 0830hrs and finish at 0930hrs. Winners will progress to the finals, where the champions will take home a trophy and gold medals. Through this exciting 5-aside ladies tournament, the programme is also expected to successfully encourage youth to reject the practice of female mutilation. “No woman deserves to be raped, or be submitted to female mutilation, or any barbaric blows and wounds, they are our sisters, mothers and grandmothers,” implored Gaoforwe. The tournament will also build alliances with men and supporting them to stand and speak out against such violence as part of UN Women’s HeForShe campaign. In this regard, Gaoforwe has invited GBV advocate, Yandani Boko to be the guest speaker and lay a red carpet for men to express their views in the fight to end violence against women & girls. “In Botswana, a man is perceived as the head of the family therefore it is vital that men agree to say no to violence against women and girls,” said Gaoforwe. He added that woman is the mainstay of the family. “That said the very happiness of the family rests on her, so I am inviting all men and women to support this feminist cause, the noblest cause by joining us in the saying no to violence against women and girls in Botswana,” he implored.
By Katso Garebunantse
Friday October 19th – Wedding at the Kgotla between Kenanao Alice Bagupi and Mookamedi Elton Malepa to be Mr and Mrs Malepa.
By Boemo Keoepile
The market day held on the 19th of October 2018 was to empower poverty eradication beneficiaries to have sustainable businesses. The poverty eradication officers usually encourage buyers to buy from beneficiaries. There are departments responsible for projects. For instance, the Wildlife Department is responsible for wildlife projects like Guinea Fowls, Forestry, Bee keeping and leather works from wild animals with the ambition to do a yearly show to present different beneficiaries from around Letlhakeng. Beneficiaries at this market day show case were Guinea Fowl farmers, Beekeeping farmers, Poultry farmers, detergent sellers, producers of leather works and tile service providers. The District Commissioners Officer for Social and Community Development Ms Nancy Njamela said this was the first time to hold the market day and the number of beneficiaries was moderate. However, she said the show gave organisers experience and she hoped that the next time there would be a larger show with more beneficiaries present.
For information contact: Social worker for poverty eradication Nancy Njamela 71723993 at ODC office, e-mail:, Facebook: Nnuza Motsumi
Guinea Fowl beneficiaries
The beneficiaries said you need to have a licence from the Department of Wildlife to keep Guinea Fowls. The Wildlife Department helps Guinea Fowls beneficiaries with incubators to incubate eggs for free. One Guinea fowl can lay up to thirty eggs. One beneficiary said she was given 20 fowls to start with that were already laying eggs. She was grateful that the Department help with incubating the eggs for her and said her business was doing well. However, she said the department should help with medication of the fowls since the business was not stable enough to be able to buy medicines.
For more information contact: Dithaetson Motshebe, 73109378, Malwelwe
To be a leatherworker you need to have a licence from the Wildlife Department. To make traditional maths (pathe) you can use wild animal skin or those that you have at disposal. The products ranged from Pula 40-500. Products on offer were:
Dipodi (traditional skirt) Pula 400,
Phate Pula 500
Beads long Pula 200, short Pula 40
Mathows Pula 100
Jacket Pula 500
Bow and arrow hunting set, Pula 200
Dinaka, Pula 80
For more information contact:
Ms Kaorontshwa Thuntshwane 73364163
Mr Phuthego Banweng 73481005
Poultry and egg production
A producer of poultry and eggs who was present at the marked day said she was given 50 chicken (of which one died). She had also been given medication once when the chicken were delivered to her, but she was now responsible for buying medication for her chicken herself. She wished the Department would assist her with medication since her business still was unstable. Her chicken laid one egg pr day and she sold one egg for2 Pula.
Contact: Babotseng Satsose 73271175 Malwelwe
Cleaning detergents
Sellers of cleaning detergents said they had many different kinds and for multi-purposes. Such as: detergents for cleaning, washing, bathing, carwash, dish wash, laundry and foam bath. The business is going well. They sell bottles of 2 litre detergent for Pula 20.
Contact: Basia Gaboronekwe, 74913777, Sirenane
Fashion Design
A local fashion designer present at the market day had made clothes of different kinds for sale. Children’s dresses start at Pula 60 but vary according to sizes. Uniforms are sold at Pula 120. Shirts are sold at Pula 80. She said she most popular product was church uniforms.
Contact: Bojelwang Motlhobogwa, 75103842
Thank you for visiting the Community Web page for Letlhakeng, Kweneng District of Botswana.
This page is a result of a continuous collaborative effort between the youth and the elders of Letlhakeng.